Sexual Integrity Leadership Summit 2021, San Antonio, TX

SILS 2021 Summit videos are available.
Now you can access the full line-up from our 2021 Summit in San Antonio. Featuring five plenary addresses and nineteen breakout presentations, the San Antonio Summit was packed with great content.
For $74 you will have unlimited digital access through our Vimeo Channel. After your purchase, you may view the Summit sessions anytime and anywhere.
To preview the sessions, visit our 2021 Summit Videos page, or go directly to the checkout here.
SILS 2021 Summit Feedback
Thank you to all who were able to attend our 2021 Summit in San Antonio. Your presence, prayers, and participation combined to make this our best event yet. Attendee feedback revealed high praise across the board.
Attendee feedback based on a 4-point scale
Rating & Questions
3.81 The summit was well organized
3.82 The topics were relevant to my work
3.79 I am satisfied with the total number of sessions
3.82 I am satisfied with the overall length
3.66 The exhibitors provided great value for me
3.62 I plan to stay connected with people I met
3.76 The summit did a good job of equipping me
3.83 The summit did a good job of support and care
3.69 The summit did a good job of providing ways to collaborate
3.78 I will refer a friend to future summits
3.87 The summit was worth the price
3.57 I plan to attend next year

Sponsor Recognition
Diamond Sponsor

Hours: M-F 8:30 am-5 pm (Central Time)
Telephone: (920) 389-1871
Email: [email protected]