2022 Sexual Integrity Leadership Summit
April 28-30 | St. Louis, MO
Theme: "Working Together for the Health of the Body"
Overview: This year's Summit focuses on the inherent goodness of God's loving and intentional creation of humans as sexed and embodied beings and how we can restore people to wholeness. Because all of us suffer from sin, sexual health involves the holistic reintegration of the body, mind, and spirit through Jesus Christ and His healing agents within and outside of the Church. Sexual wholeness is not only for the select few that exhibit problematic behavior, but is a work for the whole community of God that requires the cooperation and collaboration of the whole Church.
This summit is for:
Pastors, church staff, and lay leaders who desire a better, more strategic engagement on sexuality in their church
Christian ministry leaders who seek cross-training and fellowship with other professionals working in the trenches
Counselors, therapists, coaches, and mentors interested in professional development and networking with other Christian leaders
Any engaged Christian who shares our vision of churches promoting and living out Gospel-centered sexuality.
This year's plenary speakers include:
Nancy Pearcey

Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality
Transgender, Transreality: The Movement that Is Alienating Young People from Their Own Bodies
Damon Owens

We Believe in the Body
Meet this year's presenters.
Barbara Steffens

Bind Up the Brokenhearted Part One: Common Mistakes We in the Church Make When Women Reach Out for Help
Bind Up the Brokenhearted Part Two: Trauma-informed Spiritual Care
Cornerstone Sponsors

Beacon Sponsors

Hours: M-F 8:30 am-5 pm (Central Time)
Telephone: (920) 389-1871
Email: [email protected]
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