Sponsorship Opportunities for SILS 2025
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Sexual Integrity Leadership Summit. Your investment in this event represents a commitment to the health and well-being of the whole church of God.
Please review the sponsorship options and use the contact form below to indicate your preference. We will contact you within three business days. Please note: submitting a request does not guarantee that we will select you as a sponsor or exhibitor. We are only seeking sponsors that understand and support our mission.

Cornerstone sponsors provide the resources we need to build out the summit.
Cornerstone Sponsors – $4,500 (up to 3)
- Named sponsor of a plenary talk [$500]
- Vendor table in premium space (2 if needed) [$270/$540]
- Up to 5 summit registrations [$1,400]
- Up to 7-minute talk/video from main stage [$300]
- Full-page ad in printed program [$200]
- Promotion via social, email, and website [$200]
- Optional sponsorship options: [$500]
- Thursday or Friday "Learning Lunch"
- Wednesday Speaker's Dinner
Fair-market value: $3,600 Donation value: $900

Beacon sponsors allow us to share the summit broadly to the leaders that need to come.
Beacon Sponsors – $2,000 (up to 10)
- Named sponsor of snack breaks [$100]
- Vendor table in premium traffic space [$270]
- Up to 3 summit registrations to use for staff or guests [$840]
- Three-minute introduction from the stage [$150]
- Half-page ad in printed program [$100]
- Promotion via social, newsletter, and website [$100]
- Optional sponsorship options: [$250]
- Luncheon discussions
- Morning affinity meetings
Fair-market value: $1,690 Donation value: $310

Exhibitors bring incredible resources and expertise to the summit.
Summit Exhibitor – $600 (until full)
- Vendor table [$270]
- 1 summit registration [$280]
- Quarter-page ad in program [$50]
Fair-market value: $600 Donation value: $0