Unlocking Sexual Healing:
What is Sex Therapy and How Can It Help?
As a Christian sex therapist specializing in recovery from sex addiction and betrayal trauma, I’ve witnessed how a holistic path toward healing and renewal can enhance the support you offer to those on their journey to lasting recovery. Sex therapy offers a complementary approach to traditional methods by supporting individuals in addressing the hidden factors behind relapse and fostering true freedom. It provides tools to rebuild the intimacy and connection God intended for their lives.
Learning objectives:
1. Participants will be able to identify and articulate what sex therapy is and tell the difference between sex addiction counseling and sex therapy.
2. Participants will be able to identify the “hidden” culprits behind relapse and articulate how sex therapy can help heal those for good/once and for all!
3. Participants will be able to decribe how sex therapy can help those struggling with sex addiction and their partners achieve long lasting sexual health both interpersonally and externally.
4. Participants will be able to articulate one or more somatic tool for feeling body regulation.